            For this project we will be advocating that wearing makeup leads to low self-esteem among women. We have found many sources that back up this information and we also plan on going out and collecting our own research. 

            Kinds of primary research that we plan on using for this project would be interviews and surveys. In order to advocate how wearing makeup leads to low self-esteem, it would be beneficial to have opinions of women of all ages and ethnicities. Using these two techniques will allow us to talk to individual women and find out their opinions on makeup and also how much time they spend each day with their appearance.

"Devotion To Make-up Could Mean Low Self-confidence." Devotion To Make-up Could Mean Low Self-confidence. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.

            This article is about how many women rely on makeup every single day. Most women are so used to wearing makeup every day that they feel like it is necessary for them to wear it no matter what the occasion. They explain that many women are afraid to leave the comfort of their own home without putting their “face” on. The author discusses that many women who have low self-esteem use makeup as a confidence boost, but this is only a temporary fix. Instead of using makeup to cover up, women should try to find their beauty in themselves.

            Although this article did not credit a specific author, we find it to be reliable because it comes from “The National Counseling Society”.  This website is created for people to seek counseling for many issues. These issues range from loneliness to depression to the effects of using makeup as a temporary fix. We would like to use this article for our research because it pertains to our advocacy project on how makeup leads to low self-esteem.
Divine.caroline. “About Face: Why Some Women Can’t Go Without Makeup.” Intent Blog. 24 Sept. 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2013

This article was very interesting and informative.  It tackled the many influences of women wearing makeup including the media, culture, and even one’s own thoughts.   In addition, there were statistics which could be very helpful for our campaign.  The main idea is that no amount of makeup can feel the void left from a lack of self-confidence.

This article was found on the Intent Blog website which is the official blog for intent.com.  Intent.com. “Intent is a community where members can share their dreams and aspirations, and receive support from others. This is your online destination for turning your intention into tangible action, and inspiring others to do the same.  Intent, as a brand and website, aspires to be the most trusted wellness destination for capturing and sharing people’s intentions — personal, social, spiritual and environmental.”  This website is very credible and popular on the Web.  The author of this article was Divine.caroline which is a site where their “dream is to give you a place to come together and express yourselves.” The team at Divine Caroline include Jennifer Sams, a contributing editor, Dino-Ray Romos, an entertainment writer, and Kelly Canales, the fashion and beauty commerce curator at Divine Caroline.  This article is very important to our research because it specifically says that people wear makeup because they have low self-confidence.  Our main idea of our project is that wearing makeup leads to low self-esteem. There is a lot of great information in this article about make-up as well which will be very useful.
“Dove Evolution Commercial.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 15 Oct. 2006. Web. 27 March. 2013

              This video features an average looking woman, she is pretty, but she is not someone that you would see on the cover of a magazine. The video fast forwards through many makeup artists putting layers of makeup on her face and hair dressers curling her hair to perfection. After it is all done, it shows someone on a computer then digitally enhancing this woman’s face, making her eyes larger, hair bigger, face skinnier, and neck longer. They then show this same woman’s face after being completely changed on the front of a billboard to advertise a product. We want this video to show that women should not try to conform themselves to what society expects from them, and they should instead love themselves for their inner beauty and we would like it to show just how unrealistic it is to attempt to use makeup and other products to try to look like models and celebrities.

This video is credible because it comes from the Dove Self Esteem Campaign. This is a campaign founded to show young girls their inner beauty and stop them from trying to reach the unattainable looks of celebrities and models by using makeup. Many young girls have low self-esteem and use makeup and hair products to try to feel more attractive and accepted. This leads to a reliance on makeup and these products and thus leads to even more self-esteem issues.
S., Maria. "Is our obsession with makeup healthy?" Voices of Youth. 27 Mar. 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.

The main idea of this article was that makeup sends a powerful message that it's not okay to be comfortable with how you look and that people won’t like you for being you.  You have to conform to society and wear makeup which leads to people liking you when you’re less of yourself.

This post was found on the Voices of Youth website which is an organization set up by UNICEF to help children from across the world exchange knowledge and ideas.  The author, Maria S, has no credentials; however, she shares her opinion on using makeup and self-esteem.  This site is a credible source; her opinion is important and should be heard.  We believe this article is important to our research because this is an honest opinion of our issue.  The writer is an average girl living in society.  We think it’s important to hear what she thinks because she represents a part of society.
Salkfeld, Luke. "Girls' Lack of Confidence about Their Appearance Is Blighting Their Futures." Mail Online. N.p., 1 Apr. 2012. Web. 24 Mar. 2013.

The author of this article, Luke Salkfeld discusses the relationship between young girls and their low self-esteem. He suggests that low self-esteem comes from the pressure for young girls to conform to how magazines, television, etc. say they should look. He suggests that because of this young girls spend more time a day focusing on their appearance than they do actually doing homework or studying. He believes that this lack of confidence will only get worse as they grow older and become dependent on the tools that they have used to make them “more attractive”. We would like this article to help show that even girls as young as 11 and 12 are using makeup to make themselves look and feel more attractive. Instead of allowing young girls to do this, we need to help them see their inner beauty. Luke introduces a new campaign by Dove called “Self-Esteem Programme” which is designed to have young girls embrace their own beauty.
Luke Salkfeld is a journalist for Daily Mail. Daily Mail is a website that includes the latest headlines about news, sports, “showbiz”, health, science, money and travel. We find this article to be beneficial for our project because it goes along with what our opinions on makeup and self-esteem are. We would like to use Luke’s words to back up our opinions and also shed light on the “Dove Self-Esteem Programme”, which he introduces in this article.
Synnott, Anthony. “Truth and Goodness, Mirrors and Masks Part II: A Sociology of Beauty and the Face.” British Journal of Sociology. 41. Print.

            The main idea of this essay is that phrases such as “ugly as sin,” and “divinely beautiful” set us up for failure because of the expectation that we feel we must live up to. These phrases put a negative connotation on what beauty really is, especially when it comes to low self-esteem, because when someone says, “ugly as sin,” we immediately think of the appearance of something. The essay goes into the specific qualities that one has when they view themselves, or are looked upon as either beautiful or ugly. Many people associate beautiful people with graceful elegance, and spiritual beauty. These people are placed on a pedestal, in comparison to those who are described as ugly, who are deemed demonic and cruel.

            This essay was found on JStor, through the Rowan Library website, making it more of an academic essay. The essay itself is very formal, providing specific resources and citations. The author does not mention himself or provide credentials that establish his knowledge on this subject; however, the sources he cites within his paper allow the audience to see that he has done his research. This article is important to our research because it helps us to establish that hurtful words that separate those who are beautiful from those who are considered ugly lead to low self-esteem and wearing makeup to hide themselves.
Tomlin, Annie. “The Question That Won’t Go Away: Is Makeup Bad for a Women’s Self-Esteem?” Refinery29.com. 03 Jan 2013: Print http://www.refinery29.com/makeup-self-esteem.

            The main idea of this article is that whether a woman wears makeup or not is her choice, and it does not mean that she has low self-esteem or she does, it simply means that every woman is different. The article goes into the idea that although there may be pressure for women to wear makeup, it is also inconclusive to assume that all women who wear makeup are insecure. All women have a different preference; therefore, women who don’t wear makeup shouldn’t be portrayed as being entirely insecure or extremely self-confident and vice versa.

            The website where this source was found is based entirely around women. There are tabs that talk about the latest fashion trends, beauty products, furniture, and all of the latest gossip about celebrities and things happening within the entertainment industry. The website establishes a good amount of credibility through the legitimacy of each of their articles, and each author has a link that goes directly to their own individual page on the website. The author of this article has written 27 articles for this website previously, helping to establish her credibility. This article is helpful to our topic because it talks about the opposing side of our argument. It allows us to show a person that although we believe makeup has the ability to decrease ones self-esteem, it doesn’t mean that those who choose to wear makeup are not confident in themselves. We want our audience to understand that the main priority of our campaign is to show everyone how beautiful they are with and without makeup. 
Waiterscheid, Ellen. "Mirror Mirror on the Wall." Women in Business 1990: 24-26. Women in Business. Web. 2 Apr. 2013.

            The main idea of this article is that society is making women vain and obsessed with how they look.  From a young age, girls are complimented on how they look, even as babies.  As girls grow older, they read magazines which constantly show them how they're suppose to look.  Advertisements are sending a message that "there should be no signs of aging whatsoever, no gray hair, no lines or wrinkles" (Waiterscheid 25).  Our culture's ideal standard of beauty makes women feel unattractive and women who don't feel good about their bodies experience low self-esteem.

            Although this article is from 1990, it's very important because it shows that even in the 90s wearing make-up affected women's self-esteem, just as it does today.  Through the years, society didn't progress at all.  The magazine is called Women in Business which we believe to have been a popular magazine among women.  At the end of the article, it said that the author of this article, Ellen Waiterscheid, is a free lance writer living in Lenexa, Kansas and being a free lance writer is credible.  This article is helpful for our topic because it shows that the correlation between wearing make-up and low self-esteem has been a continuing problem in society.  It clearly states that the two are connected and our audience can understand our topic better.

Purpose: The main purpose behind our topic, “Makeup leads to a decrease in self-esteem,” is that many women and girls are afraid of being seen without makeup on, because of how they feel without it. This is an issue that many women have faced at one point or another in their lives that have held them back from achieving their true potential because of their insecurities. We feel that all women should have the confidence to leave their homes without makeup and feel secure about who they are and how they look. This type of insecurity starts at such a young age and is fed by makeup advertisements, the media, and celebrities. This topic needs to be addressed instead of ignored; because the more we ignore it the more girls are afraid to be whom they are. With this assignment we want to promote self-esteem and confidence, not destroy it. 

What do you want to make happen? We want to change the idea that beauty is skin deep and that makeup is what helps make women beautiful. We feel that makeup has caused women and girls to judge themselves because of how they look with and without it on; therefore, with this we want to change their perception of what beauty is and make everyone more confident in whom they are, without the use of makeup.  We want to see more girls on campus who are not afraid of going out without any makeup on, even if it is just one day a week.

What is the effect of the issue in my community? We feel that this is an issue that many girls and women face all around the country, in every community, as a result of the media and advertisements. This issue is one that is growing tremendously as time goes on because more and more girls are wearing makeup at a younger age, which instills that they are not beautiful unless they are wearing makeup.

What is the cost of not doing anything on this issue? If we do not do anything girls and women will continually feel like they are not good enough. As women we need to ban together and support one another through everything; therefore, starting this advocacy we are instilling confidence and developing self-esteem so that women no longer feel bad about whom they are. If we do nothing, this will only continue to get worse, causing more girls and women to develop lower self-esteem earlier in life.

What possible actions can we take: We can be doing a lot to help one another; such as a simple compliment can make some ones day that much better. On a grander scale we can create pamphlets that showcase the beauty we all have, and share our stories with one another. We need to make people aware of the fact that they are not alone, and using makeup is not going to increase their self-esteem. Only accepting themselves and loving whom they are can do that.

What are the consequences of these actions: The consequences are that people will view our campaign as something that is not a serious issue, and one that is not worth their time to look into; however, girls everywhere suffer from low self-esteem, which has the ability to cause major issues. Therefore, by combatting makeup advertisements and instilling in women and girls everywhere the beauty of loving themselves not only will we be saving lives, but we will also be making a lot of women much happier to be who they are.

Who else cares about this issue in my community? We believe that this is an issue that every girl cares about, but is too afraid to admit it, for if they do then they will have to confront their fears of not wearing makeup. With this we hope to help them confront their fears, and make it easier for them to accept themselves and love who they are.

Audience: Our target audience is females between the ages of 12-mid 20’s. We want to really target girls who are just starting to wear makeup, and emphasize the fact that they don’t need to feel as if makeup makes them pretty. We are also targeting women who feel that they can’t leave their homes without applying makeup, and those suffering from low self-esteem. 

Medium: We have not yet come up with a design scheme for our website, but we are discussing possibilities for the layout and the colors. We have agreed that it is going to be very girl-friendly, but also edgy to display our point of view. We are going to take advantage of visuals for we feel that they express our idea the most accurately and will make the biggest impact.

Arrangement: We feel that a large font and strong visuals are what is going to attract the most attention from our readers, and create the most connections; therefore, both of these will be the key elements to our design.